I have sketchbooks for design projects and sketchbooks for drawing, doodling, and just taking a break from the stress of life. I think drawing is restorative and allows you to create freely—with no sense of time or lofty end goals to be achieved. In my introductory graphic design course, I encourage students to keep a sketchbook for creative work that is unrelated to class projects. Because a blank sketchbook can be an intimidating thing, I have developed a series of drawing prompts and examples to help students slow down and take some time to just draw for fun. 
ink drawing of mushrooms created with Pentel Fude Brush Pen
drawing of mushrooms created with Pentel Fude Brush Pen and watercolor
sketchbook page of flower doodles, created with Micron pen
sketchbook page of abstract shapes, created with fountain pen and colored pencils
animated GIF of sketchbook prompts and examples

sketchbook prompts + examples

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